Monday, March 1, 2010

we must think like atheists but we must love and honor the Gods in your hearts. You wanted to play the King and the kong of Israelites , in my place instead? ? Certainly, as my brother max-major, you are more worthy than me! But what is important is not the King or the kngs , but the third temple to the glory for universal peacefullness if not just getting a piece once in a while. You want this? A simple piece of the pie or the cakes? You want to build a temple on the Mount of Olives? You want to destroy all mankind and keep for a few men's salvation, since many of you are: atheists, Satanists, Freemasons and believers in banking systemologies and capitalist enterprising methodologies? Brother! Religion should not divide the work for justice throughout the world also for atheists.You do insult to your God Instead it is worthy of being praised around the world and by all peoples and religions. Even atheists must come, Because Attracted by the universal unity that the temple is and one for the cakes.
Everyone knows that Jesus was born in Bethlehem but what of the kings and the kongs, the cakes and the cookie? In him, I was born in that: site, tribe and family. But I must not preach, because that is the job of a rabbi. I have to fight for the Kingdom as David. Because the task of a king is to use the sword, like David: live or die! If God is with me? I live and I will succeed! So successful, that the whole world will admire these cakes! If God is not with me? Still One Alleluia for each man and 1/2 for a child 1/3 for the retarded !
Segnalato come spam Daniel, right: with all the hatred that exists in the world against what the normal amount is that is morally accepted by all mankind, as his representative who declares this ? Yes Indeed, the King of Israel ? and also the first president of the metaphysical whole human race? That is, the defender of all oppressed peoples from seigniorage banking and Mason himself, and how many named mason? . Because in truth, all peoples and religions of the world will go up to worship God on the Mount of Olives.
Sure, she says the fox,the wolf and the otter, when he can not reach the grapes! You have missed the first train and now risk losing the second train, If you can not build the Temple and interested in my Christian doctrines? Zero Alleluia!

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