Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the averse advancements of the underdogs and the dogmas and the understandings of the faith and continuance this latest wave of evangelization= to try to save this generation from nuclear 3WW? The nigerian witches teaming with the houngun priests and arabian genies, cavorting with the mermaids? Not , so therefore = (c) the terminate of the enlightened, a sacrificical lamb gurned at the gates of the apocalypse. It is not a question of religion, it is the interest of those who want to save his own life from the burdens of living in his own prisoner beast hell, and to become free to go at the bottoms of the lovely. . from a global conspiracy of the rich (Freemasonry Spa Elite) against all comes the hedonistic satanical rambunctionist......... settle for my poor love. maybe it's time for you to read all my reviews
the king killed by human respect but did not dare to oppose those perverse scribes, Pharisees and their Talmud cursed. He was too good but not prepared spiritually to its mission. he could not defend the true monotheism of Moses. so the "Temple", a place appreciated even by every demon, was saved, but he: Zerubbabel was sacrificed for not to destroy the nation, however, that the Romans were forced to destroy. Despite his failure? He has become an image of Christ innocent. Against the nutrition of the scribes left flaccid and apolitical.

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