Friday, November 6, 2009

heavenly moss in the middle if any, my fine one with the lovliest of cakes in the nickers!!!

you are a sweet one I say, honey in the middles?

dont go hushmouth on me now in this intoxicating moment there love!!! me dreaming of the buns there!!!

thank goodness you are a hearty one!!!!
^ I am falling in love with you and need to lick em upps all over thems!!!

when we marry so i can begin with the upping of the aunties?
^& be for me and mines only?

yess yess. :]

^only fair to ask need them cakes in the bloomers there !!!!

yess yu have themm, lmao

this is why I love you, the giving loving sort kind and wanting to take care of me

yess yesss :]

^nightly in between the buns, bisquits and buns for me and mines, pudding inside and on the tops

^lovely explosions for me and mines!!! volcanoes and earthquakes there!!!

unfair of you to leave me in my moment of need, apologize and come for me

now you are shy and get hushmouth for the compliment figures ther
^should just stick with the cakes!!

ooh i dunnnooo. i dependdsss on the contextttt ya yaa.

you are blushing and speechless
i am inching my way into your heart
love around the corner!!

yess fastter fastterr. lmao

^meanie has me wishing for the cakes now

^ no stripping only for me
and the cakes after
then go to the beach and have cocktails

yess that sounndss niiiice. :]

footsies with the cakes inside the bloomers after put me in the heavens !!!
^dont be greedy

how are we supposed to get married if we cant communicate? you are acting bad now

so when do we get married then?

august 19th

you have nice hair august, that sounds fair long enough for us to get to know each other, too long w/o the cakes though!!
^8 months without cakes serious blueballing there would not make it no way!!

by the way I told your mom you said she didnt make good hot dogs and that she likes her buns ate.

no really she doesnt make good hotdoggs, lmao.

well then Ill tell her that you think whe makes great hot dogs and likes her buns ate.

5 foot 8 inches.

assed out on the curb with my panties down

oooh i'm sorry about that. :[[[

that is why we marry and take care of each other and i have cakes always!!
^you get nice yum yum stick fair bargain!

i know you are falling in love with me and thinking of me all the times!! dont blame you though I am the apples in your eyes!!!

because I am smart we get married too real soon i need the cakes really really bad i know you are not greedy and would give them to me when i need them i trust you on that one

i am too greedy
cakes love

^that is mean you know i need them that is pure selfishness but i would win you over and have them always for me

you seem pretty confident

i know you would not deny me it is not cofidence it is necessity and fate

i dont like you being doubtful it isnt right you should embrace my love and appreciate it instead of acting silly and being difficult

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