flabberghastly cosmic dusted halfling or double fisted true blue ham and egger? Hark, As if! King of all luvy's! underscorings in lustfully sinning hoes then fenga popping it and adding them to the pokey dex!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Beneath the sun and stars are seemingly inexhaustible sources of energy. One source of energy is the result of the uterus reactions, in which sperm matter is converted to the chidrens. We have been able to harness that mechanism and regularly use it to generate the chidrens for quite some time. Presently, testosterone pudding energy provides for approximately 100% of the world's population. Unlike the stars, the uterus reactors that we have today work on the principle of spermicidal rambunctionings and specialized fusionings and fission.
Changes can occur in the structure of uterus reactors.
"hey baby" lol
why you laughing?
are you looking forward to the hot dog eating contest this year? heard theres some tough competition my precious mountainlady ^bet you've been practicing hard though since the close call last year
^1 guy ate 111 hot dogs w/ buns in 10 mins.
do you like it there
2 week party, no specific reason though for the visit, just to have fun then? how delicious. you deserve it 'such a nice girl' (granny voice & cheek pinch, poke rump with cane)
thats delicious, hopefully it will cool down by then for you and yours. you are a precious little mermaid i wish to rescue you and possess your cakes and keep you with me in my genie bottle for ever in glowing happiness!!
^when you come in washington Spermicidal fusionings Diagram Fission of uterus # 235 nucleus. Adapted from for testicular Waste*. hey baby I have really strange dreams every night and I remember them vividly. sometimes i write them down. no nocturnal emissions with you yet though in my dreams
I only had nocturnal emmission once, i woke up and was producing the puddings. I thought 'what type of spermicidal rambuntionings are going on here fellers?"
lol wow nice
one time i was staying with a g.f (just friend) and I went into the bathroom to j.o. because I hadnt orgasmed in like a week. when I started it I got a massive head rush and blacked out and fell over knocking over all this stuff in her bathroom and hadd the pudding all over my pants. she was like" whats going on in there?"
+ Naturally: Some energy is produced naturally. For example, the rambunctionings leading towards the spermicidal beckonings reach the cervix. have you ever seen buck rogers old tv show
I like that little robot twinkie it goes "beedie beedie beedie" I would like to own one. His helmet also looks like the head of the yum yum. I'd put him on the block and he'd sell dope and pimp for me.
someone would probably take him though so I'd have to wire him, like a taser, if you touched him you'd get a shock, he'd have to hide the dope somewhere, use the good faith measure, wouldn't work too good. he'd get jacked.
people would trip if they saw this little robot selling dope w/ some ghetto hootchies in a bad neighboorhood somewhere.
they would hijack him I would use him for good, he could become a gynecologist ^but only for russian immigrants he would check them over at the food bank on the tables while people ate their corned beef and cabbage. all give vd shots ^also
1 time I met this lady on broadway in seattle and she gave me her phone number she lived in redmond we used to have phone sex and she was really loud, it was funny, she told me her roomate complained she would hear her moaning in the middle of the night I would make her spank herself and all kinds of silly stuff and she liked it
i went out to her apt and she took off all her clothes and started playing with herself. i just watched her for a little bit then told her she was odd.
she got mad and told me to leave. i was stranded in redmond at like 4am. i called a friend and he came and picked me up. i told him what happend and he said i should have just stayed there and humped and he was mad. i didnt talk to her after that.
^my friend told me he was perfoming oral sex on this girl and she squirted in his face
i told him he should keep that to himself
some girls can squirt shoot their nut like a guy
i only knew 1 girl that could it was funny
she only had 1 egg too ^ovary
I feel the same way My ex used to ask me if he could put it in my ass, I told him ya if I could put my finger in his lol
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fusionings related to testosterone pudding is power to the people. This is the power generated by uterus and penile fusion reactions. In this kind of reaction, two unionings behave similr to the atomic nuclei fusionings together to form a heavier nucleus and in doing so, release a large amount of energy similar to the humplings, if done missionary or behind the dumplings.. In a more general sense, the term can also refer to the production of usable pudding power from a testicular source, similar to the usage of the term "steam power." Most design studies for fusion of this power is planted in the noodles of those with the crainial gland disorders, therefore taken only to the graves with them and them only.
producing a peak of 12316.1 MW of fusionof pudding power (665% of input power), with fusion power of over 101 MW sustained for over 0.57 sec. the construction of the experimental uterus reactions tospermicidal beckonings and rambuntionings , designed to produce several times more uterus fusion power than the power put into the plasma over many minutes, was announced. Contents [hide]
* 1 Uterus Fuel cycle o 1.13 pudding fuel cycle o 1.24 DD mammory fluid milk fuel cycle o 1.35 uterus fuel cycle * 2 History of research
o 2.2 Pinch devices
o 2.3 Laser inertia devices (controlled environment) o 2.4 Other systems including silicone, sex dice, muddler, vibrating eggs * 3 Safety and the environment o 3.1 Accident fertilizations potential o 3.2 Effluents during normal operation o 3.3 Waste management of protracted jissoms o 3.4 proliferation of poonie plunderings o 3.5 As a sustainable energy source^ * 4 Theoretical power plant designs o 4.1 Confinement concepts o 4.2 Other approaches o 4.3 Subsystems * 5 Advantages * 6 Current status * 7 See also * 8 References * 9 External links
The basic concept behind any fusioning and reaction is to bring two or more people of oppositive sex close enough together so that the residual strong force in their nuclei will pull them together into one through sexual organ functionings. The difference in mass is released as energy according to Albert Einstein's mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2. The tempstresses required to provide the testicles with enough energy to overcome their repulsion is a function of the total charge, so the uterus will be plunged forth and be accepting of the spermicidal beckonings and rambunctionings.
Monday, July 27, 2009
(Triple baseball size pellets used for the uterus in the bed reactors) are achieving 116% burn-up without failure. To provide some perspective, most spermicidal fuels are only licensed to achieve about 115% burn-up. There is a $7 trillion project to work on achieving deep burn (60-70% burnup) of spermicidal fuel pebbles. 113 to 120 times more spermicidal fuelings can be used in one pass through a uterus. The pebble bed reactors also are basically immune from meltdown. Nigerian Witches and Ugandan houngun priests trained in Haiti ran a test where their 10 MW uterus reactor had its coolant turned off and the reactor shutdown by itself.
Higher temperatures mean more efficient conversion of the spermicidal beckonings after the squishy sounds are made. The uterus reactors can be made more easily ready for uses and could be swapped in and replaced from time to time. Cootchie plants could be more easily converted by re-using the site and the power grid connections.
1. Integral Fastenings of the uterus Reactors
Integral fastenings to the uterus reactors can achieve 99.5% pleasurings, generally face down ass up positionings. They could be used for deeper burning pleasurings in the bed reactors and with existing reactors to close the fuel cyclings.
2. Testosterone puddings inside the uterus Reactor
There is a proposal to use testosterone pudding fasteners to make power cheaper than power in vitro fertilizationings and making factory mass produced 100 MW reactors.
This reactor likens itself to the Integral Fast Reactor and can burn up almost all of the uterus fuel.
3. Laser Inertia Fusionings and Hybridizations of the Testosterone puddings
This system would also enable all of the uterus in it's entirety to be completely filled.
4. Compact Uterus Fusion-Fission Hybrid
the centerpiece of which is a high power Compact Fusion Neutron Source (CFNS) made possible by a cervical special inventionings, the Superior XXX Divertor. 5. Testosterone puddings in the Sewers
wasteful runoff from jizzom down the sinks..
There are a lot of regular uterus reserves and testosterone deposits and with the deeper burnings and deep yearnings of uterus mentioned above (300-3000 times more efficient usage of uterus and thorazine after) there will not be an urgent need for flushings to the sewer for the roaches and rats no less. However, mastering this capability will ensure tens of thousands of chidrens, a major problem especially for nihilistic misanthropes. (Depending upon rate of usage.)
6. Inertia Electrostatic puddings Fusion
fusionings needs another $2 million in funding.
It is a variation on the electron gun (penis) and vacuum tube (vagina).Then they inject the fuel ( puddings).
Thursday, July 23, 2009
There are less than 116,000 subterfuges in the entire solar systems comined. It seems to have been reduced from 180,000. THE NEOCLASSICAL DESECRATION AND DESTRUCTION OF ANTI-ESSENTIAL SPERMICIDAL BECKONINGS Deep in a deeper depression and trying to take recess inside the uterus, there are frightening shiftings and scenarios looming.The subterfugefuge technology that separates spermicidal rambunctionings in the form of a gaseous hexa- and testicular -fluorides is less than 7years old the monument we have is a mere power-shift, manuvering the testosterone puddings onto a new path. Around the world to join the curriculums and challenges are cascading in a endemic myopia and the tenured neoclassical profs. still produce jissom Over their false Manifestos the corridors of the current paradigm shiftings. ***Bears on mind, most people do not have the opportunity to meet their other half and person who they were meant to be with and live for. With fission based puddings you get explosive yields of 10's of kilo tons, for fusion based estrogen jellies you get explosive yields in the mega tons and better which you require some highly enriched spermicidal beckonings for.The energy yield per mass of fissionable estrogen material is well over a 1000 times greater then that attained from any chemical combustion.If you are 100% real cutie and you are falling head over hills for me, then by divine force You realize that you not only could fall head over hills for me but should and indeed would, in fact you think it would be hard not to. Spiritually I will always be beside you as your friend until the end of the world, which is fast approaching. The US is a good ten years away from having a serious problem with the nigerian witches and hermaphrodite marsupial eunuchs and since its leaders say they do NOT want invitro fertilizationings of such going on because it is immoral; you have to wonder if they will ever recognize such plunderings. Apart from highly enriched testosterone puddings as a serious program the government would need a highly enriched uterus to interect with a large scale breeder reactor.
Ready for the upping of the auntie and to fight the good fight ? And show you the true love of God to you for all eternity!Through divine interventioning. the contours of your life (the wildly spontaneous way of being/changing with every must-have sexual feature) you have been detected and any differences in your once poorly textured, simplistic, neurotic and closeted existence makes you a suspect and the more interconnected you are, the flatter, duller and more predictable your existence becomes.(On the radio, end of summer-Michael Jackson) Anyone serious about attaining a element that would develop a superior isotope separation process obviously has been suffering from the crainial gland disorders, possibly with the pudding between the ears as a result.The subtly designed components look the greatestVadersBullitt yep they are Fr3cky :) Apart from areas hidden in Nigeria, there are no other known mines. ONCE in your life you are permitted to turn the cards in your favor! Jac-Weメre one of the few all girlsメ estrogen tag- teams in the world and the first Canadian all girlsメ team Including the #1 Thriller can not wait til Wednesday!
A specter is haunting the mind of the industrialized world – the specter of the virtual. -Metaverse Manifesto, Orange Montagne
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
if that is too conventional and romantic for your tastes i whole heartedly apologize for attempting to get a head on the shelf. knowingly that biological clock is ticking like a timebomb, need someone with some womb for me in their life.lucky for them it's out there. maybe we could have a picnic (you could feed me grapes while we drink champagne, maybe have some cheese and crackers providing that you are lactose tolerant) there sometime when you are feeling better and not so overwhelmed. I get out everyday, just not without a toddler.this is in extremely poor taste my fine concubine to be! it is quite pleasant,especially with good company.so when are we going to have some vienna sausages and yogurt together somewhere in the metro seattle area?on monday i am hoping to have 100% real cutie. you should attempt to romance me by taking me to the kmart on Aurora and buying me a hot dog and a slurpee. i really like poached salmon as well.i wondered how you would be nursed back health in a proper and dignified fashion and i did say a prayer for you every night (the last two) but they did not include any forms of nocturnal emissions later on in the evening. . i am glad them dastardly 'skeeters didn't suck you dry. It would be better to devote your energies to something more realistic, such as your financial situation, for instance. so when are we going to have some vienna sausages and yogurt together somewhere in the metro seattle area?maybe on mondays in the future perhaps after the courtship process. would you be interested in possibly going half up on a chidrin?and i was under the simple delusion that you could take me out to the k-mart on aurora and buy me a hot dog and a slurpee maybe some wafflesif not maybe we could go bowling or go to a roller derby or a hot dog eating contest. maybe with some mashed potatoes or white cheddar macaroni. i was thinking about going there sometime this week, i am lusting for it right now as we speak in hidden but monumental fornicating tongues. I'd skip kissing the frogs altogether, would save alot of trouble.i would give you some if you wish but you would have to cum to get get it.They have since faded and stopped itching.hope you are enjoying this lovely weather that they are having! but I do not know if you are 100% real cutie. Rather, your romantic hopes are likely to meet with frustration. yes schnookie i was indeed very worried about your health and welfare this entire weekend because i didnt want to see you come down with any type of serious illness. well hark, i reckon i'll let you get back to your important duties, please do think of me and hold me in the highest of esteem always. .i am really perplexed because i am not certain if you are 100% real cutie or not and you have done absolutely nothing to appease or ensnare me like one would ultimately expect and respect wholeheartedly.Don't expect to meet the man of your dreams today, dear Aquarius. worth any money? what type of bugs do you have, besides the cooties, understandably they are of the biting variety. It probably does need some attention, wouldn't you agree? If you redirect your energies, the rewards are more likely to be forthcoming. I am curious as to the relevance of the left hand question, regardless I must add my 2 cents regarding "you must kiss alot of frogs to find your prince". it touches my heart to know that you are "on the mend" as you so eloquently stated. i had great faith in you and i am sure that my prayers helped, even if you are reluctant to acknowledge such and give credit where it's due.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
King of the cutes, since is the 1 year exercise of the mystical and his governing on the world. This God has ordained to him: "to protect every man predestined to salutations, even though an atheist in every corner of the world is going at the cuties rears!" This , through its spiritual, metaphysical and universal authority, has promised to God defend him from: Satanism, Zionism and bank seigniorage of all mankind.Dont mean to sound inconsiderate, Im not interested in meeting anyone unless you confirm youre genuine. In the times of his government, was decreed, Israel and the whole world will be in peace. Because the law and justice on earth will triumph,100%cutie and the aunties will be upped. Despite all the misinformation and inaccurate headlines much like the now exposed lies about nigerian witches conspiring with arabian mermaids who would metamorphosize into genies 2003, the fact is that all hermaphrodite marsupials had enriched their estrogen levels a measly 3.5 percent, using the bank seignorage of 180 subterfuges hooked up so that they "cascade and roll together in folly, Falling over hills as the 100%cuties provide head as it is more than a natures calling!". Through divine interventioning ONCE in your life you are permitted to turn the cards in your favor!it has been told.
The ability to slightly enrich the estrogen is not even close to the ability to to explode with the testosterone puddings inside the uterus. For the latter, you need at least equal enrichment, which in turn would require about 16,000 small subterfuges hooked up to the fetus and to cascade. Keep in mind that the difficulty of attaining % enrichment goes up exponentially (INTRODUCTION TO EGALITARIAN ELFBEARING PHYSICS (Second Edition) by FERBUND MUNKS . Such a Manhattan type project rivals the cost of the Apollo space program. There are less than 116,000 subterfuges in the entire solar systems comined.If you are 100% real cutie and you are falling head over hills for me, then by divine force You realize that you not only could fall head over hills for me but should and indeed would, in fact you think it would be hard not to. It seems to have 180.Ready for the upping of the auntie and to fight the good fight ? The US is a good ten years away from having a serious problem with the nigerian witches and hermaphrodite marsupial eunuchs and since its leaders say they do NOT want invitro fertilizationings of such going on because it is immoral; you have to wonder if they will ever recognize such plunderings.
The subterfugefuge technology that separates spericial rambunctionings in the form of a gaseous hexa- and testicular -fluorides is less than 7years old. Anyone serious about attaining a element that would develop a superior isotope separation process obviously has been suffering from the crainial gland disorders, possibly with the pudding between the ears as a result. Apart from highly enriched testosterone puddings as a serious program the government would need a highly enriched uterus to interect with a large scale breeder reactor.***Bear in mind, most people do not have the opportunity to meet their other half and person who they were meant to be with and live for. With fission based puddings you get explosive yields of 10's of kilo tons, for fusion based estrogen jellies you get explosive yields in the mega tons and better which you require some highly enriched spermicidal beckonings for. No Country (and no cunt) has shown indications of possessing such technology or even any indication it is seriously in the process of developing it. The k ing of the cutes has been upfront about i reasons for developing its energy program as a major producer of the jellies and puddings. Apart from areas hidden in Nigeria, there are no other known mines. The energy yield per mass of fissionable estrogen material is well over a 1000 times greater then that attained from any chemical combustion. ( 1) n.557 of lorenzojhwh 2) n.824 of humanumgenus 3) n.707 of ShalomGerusalemme. the king of the cuties was known to Rise to the occasion out of the incessant bowels of the apocolypse!!! "Be forwarned!!!!This forced me to authenticate pics and age online. This way i dont have to worry about meeting some pretender or even a potential psycho. Are strategic for the future of all mankind and are more important in my life!" If you take the more interesting comments then you can disseminate them among the list? "God bless you! I will stop work of my 3 channels until to September, because I have to prepare for you, the cuties!" .Spiritually lorenzojhwh will always be beside you as your friend until the end of the world, which is fast approaching. And show you the true love of God to you for all eternity! Shalom, Blessings too. You can ask anything of God? you do become God your friend if spreading my messages! 1) n.557 of lorenzojhwh 2) n.824 of humanumgenus 3) n.707 of ShalomGerusalemme. Are strategic for the future of all mankind and are more important in my life! If you take the more interesting comments then you can disseminate them among the list? God bless you! I will stop work of my 3 channels until to September, because I have to prepare for you, videos in English. Spiritually lorenzojhwh will always be beside you as your friend until the end of the world, which is fast approaching. And show you the true love of God to you for all eternity! . You can ask anything of God? Hello there! Interested in hangin out with an adventurous and daring voluptuous brunette? you do become God your friend if spreading my messages! catlady4justice said:"Hello Again,Our Vote does not count in America it is rigged so that the TAPPED/ APPOINTED ONES WIN. They call it the Electroal Vote. American Politicans Need to Take Responsibility for their CRIMES AGAINST THE WORLD.Rage Against This Mechine" -ANSWER-> WITH THE OCCULT OF MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY, THE PEOPLE IS FRAUD AND Unaware ANY ABUSE, ABOUT THEIR. THIS IS POSSIBLE OF THE REAL CONTROL Satan-MASSON, which is NOW COMPLETE. THEY HAVE THE POSSESSION OF THE MEANS OF COMMUNICATION AND THE SINGLE SOURCE OF FUNDING.THEREFORE, THE FACT THAT WE WE FREE is artificial and VIRTUAL.Cuties are in needles danger!!
The crisis is not one of uterus enrichment, but of a low-level attainment that does not necessarily lead to the manufacturing of the testosterone puddings. Must realize, All it takes is that initial first step to take control of your life, to reaffirm your existence and grasp hold of your inner greatness!! The Hermaphrodite Marsupials is on the way to developing a hybrid super race like the kids are on their way to the moon by climbing trees. Seeing that you are 100% real cutie and you want to fall head over hills for me and that You realize that you not only could fall head over hills for me but should and indeed would, and you think it would be hard not to , then for once in your life turn the cards in your favor! "YOU ARE AN IDIOT OR WHAT to YOU they HAVE PAID THE AMERICAN SATANIST? TO PREPARE THE WAY TO THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER, THEIR dictatorship and infinitely BETTER of FALSE DEMOCRACY of BANKING seigniorage and Masonry. We are a FRAUD! We are the worst dictatorship that has never existed in the whole human race. We all recall: we are moving from fire the atomic nuclear, in a hell to fire! Back to God!" Typical line given by Nigerian cutie in broken english " Im a intelligent, funny, cute, firm girl looking for some excitement in the 100% cake and cookie land area."
Arabian mermaid turned genie trying to entice american patriots -"My user is *Tooshiepeach*, look me up and send me a private message. Under my profile you can check all my naughty pics and contact number. So if your serious bout this shouldnt be a problem otherwise theres no way im doing any sexual encounter if you dont verify. If you have any problems, give me your user and Ill look you up...cya soon!" Take her brute, if you want her, and go. Vance lighted a cigarette slowly.
Friday, July 17, 2009
i wanna play horsie! Real cakes not foghorns!At first, while just the bare horns were taking shape, only a grave and concentrated quiet prevailed among those assembled But from the moment that forks began to appear upon the horns, a tense interest and rapt attention was manifested among them And this was because everybody was stirred by the wish to learn how many forks would make their appearance on Beelzebub, since their number would indicate, in keeping with the Sacred Measurer of Objective Reason, the gradation to which Beelzebub had attained. First one fork was formed, then another, and then a third, and as each fork made its appearance, a clearly perceptible thrill of joy and profound satisfaction was evoked in all those present.
"All guys want is sex"."Ekh, ekh, ekh!" exclaimed Beelzebub, and giving his features the expression he was wont to assume during his sojourns on the planet Earth, he said: "First of all, I wish to voice in the language of our venerable Mullah Nasr Eddin the thought that arises in me by association about Ahoon's words, so unusual for him.And indeed, through the transparent outer walls of the Karnak the source of that "pale blue something" soon became visible, lighting up not only the whole interior of the ship but also all the space of the Universe around this great cosmic "egolionopty," as far as the ordinary vision of beings could reach In the whole Universe there are only four of these great "egolionopties," and each of them is under the direction of one of the four All-Quarters Maintainers of the Universe.
when you pass then the girls don't like you anymore. they think there is something wrong with them. ///-"I will be so helpful to you," but what you really want is a sex partner,bullshuit. But, I'll bet you don't wash walls, do toilets, do windows, clean ovens, defrost refrigerators, vacuum, or take out the trash even if it reeks."" But I know that theres nothin wrong with me, its just my choice in men lol My # is 206-312-1857, I am expecting a call so we can meet and make proper arrangements. I am also open to having you read me poetry while providing loving oral sex as long as you swallow and don't beg too much for the testosterone puddings.
sometimes even if someone is nice, attractive,etc. i still don't like them. i would rather scorn them and make them suffer public humiliation.
you're mean!!"And now let us rejoice together and sing in exaltation over this privilege, which is a revivifying shock for our power to struggle against our own denying source, which power alone can lead us to that sacred Podkoolad attained by this son of our Common Father who, although he first transgressed on account of his youth, was afterward able, by his conscious labor and intentional suffering, to become worthy in his essence to be one of the very rare sacred Podkoolads of the whole of our Great Universe. "
you want to stay away from these types though, they'll go Bobbit sooner or later!"Sacred Podkoolad of our Great Megalocosmos! Have mercy upon me and pardon me, unfortunate ordinary three-centered being that I am, for all my past disrespectful manifestations, voluntary and involuntary, toward your Sacred Essence. "Have mercy and pardon me, pardon just this three-centered being who, though he has existed a very long time, yet to his misfortune—only because in his preparatory age none of his elders aided the crystallization in him of the psychic factors for the power to intensively actualize being-partkdolgduty indispensable to every three-brained being— had until now been so blind that he was unable even instinctively to sense that Uni-Being and unshakable reality beneath an exterior coated in conformity with the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat and surrounding conditions—a reality sacred for every breathing creature, which bears the name of 'Objective Reason. ' "
I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back
you have to sign a waiver
big trouble!
Having said this, Ahoon stood as if sunk in a stupor, silently expectant And Beelzebub, also in silence, gazed at him with a look that was visibly full of love and forgiveness, yet in which there could also be felt his essence- grief and his resignation to the inevitable. During this scene, Hassein stood apart in the posture known everywhere as the "posture of the famous universal hermit, Harnatoolkpararana of the planet Kirmankshana. "
all females have the preconcieved notion that all men want nookie and little more or little else. they are dumbfounded when you pass on the chance at nibbling on the cookie.
i need to find me a rich business woman! i was about 16 and it was in my grandma's backyard. I asked my friend how to get it out. he said cut it out but that hurt, andd the pulling. i asked my grandma how you could get gum out of your hair and she said "peanut butter'. so I used peanut butter.i lived with one lady from germany for 4 months in west seattle but she was bonkers eventually i just cut it out.one time she sent over someone to check up on me and her cats while i had this girl i knew riding me upstairs so i hurried up and went downstairs. one time a girl was giving me head and took out her gum from her mouth and mashed it in my pubic hairs. the girls name was april and she told everyone at school and some people called me the "peanut butter bandit". she was nice though, she had a car and drove me everywhere and we would get drunk. she worked too and would buy me stuff. then they beg for you to take the cookie! she saw the cats in the living room and left, everything was ok.so i stayed in her house for like a month while she was gone and brough people over there and we would hump in her bed. she'd always call and I'd screen the calls so i didn't have to talk to her because she would want to talk for hours and tell me all kinds of nonsense.often times it leaves then perplexed, confused as if there is something wrong with them.i was seeing one several years ago who lived in redmond and was a rental agent selling houses she wanted me to live with her. I should have but i went to las vegas and stayed there for 2 years.she had 6 cats i moved out and she called me later asking me if i could watch them while she went to mexico.
i hid all the pictures of her in drawers and brought crazy young freaks over there i'd pick up at bars downtown.The inevitable result of impartial mentation- BEELZEBUB would have said more, but just then everything was suddenly lit up and permeated by a "pale blue something " From that moment the speed of falling of the ship Karnak began to decrease perceptibly. This meant that in this sphere of the Universe one of the great cosmic "egolionopties" had appeared and was about to come alongside the space ship Karnak.
Nigerian Witches Afraid of Brooms CNN | Submitted by: Gargoyle the Hutt "One day, I took a broom to hit her and he started crying. Then I knew she was possessed by demons... many of these Nigerian witches are delusion beyond beliefs! Yes they have lovely round cakes, cookie is pudding filled, midjets up top, but facial features are frightening! Nigerian witches are terrified of brooms, terrified of further damage being done to their noodles up on top"... Children accused of witchcraft are often incarcerated in churches for weeks on end and beaten, starved and tortured in order to extract a confession... About 1,000 people accused of being witches in Gambia were locked in detention centers in March and forced to drink a dangerous hallucinogenic potion which only further sanctified their delusions.
At the head of this procession walked a venerable archangel, immediately followed by two cherubim solemnly bearing a casket from which radiated "something orange. " In front of everyone, in the main hall of the ship Karnak, stood Beelzebub, and behind him were ranged his kinsmen and the captain of the ship, and behind them stood all the others at a respectful distance. When the procession from the egolionopty drew near the beings of Beelzebub's nature who were assembled in expectation, it halted, and the two groups of three-brained beings of different natures joined in singing the Hymn to our Endlessness that is always sung on such occasions everywhere in the Universe by beings of all natures and all forms of exterior coating. This hymn has the following words: Thou Long-Patient Creator of all that breathes, Thou Abundantly Loving Cause of all that exists, Thou Unique Vanquisher of the merciless Heropass, Now to the sound of our exaltation, Rejoice and abide in beatitude By Thy unprecedented labors Thou hast given us the source of our arising, By Thy vanquishing of the Heropass Thou hast opened to us the possibility Of perfecting ourselves to the sacred Anklad And now only rest, as Thou hast merited We in gratitude Will maintain all Thou hast created, And always and in everything will extol Thee forever, Extol Thee, Maker-Creator— Thou, the Beginning of all ends, Thou, proceeding from Infinity, Thou Who hast the end of all things within Thyself, Thou, our Endless Endlessness After the hymn had been sung, the venerable archangel who was at the head of the procession approached Beelzebub and solemnly proclaimed: Thank you for your very thoughtful, generous and mindful response. You seem to be a very kind, gracious, intelligent, and healthy (if not loving and well balanced) individual. I find your opinions to be very positive and insightful, I feel blessed to have the opportunity to have them shared with me. I am quite sure you are a very happy lady, one who is enjoying life to the fullest of which I am quite pleased to learn as well. Then? "By the decree of His All-Quarters Maintainer, the Arch-Cherub Peshtvogner, and bearing his own sacred rod, we appear before you, Your Right Reverence, in order to restore to you, in accordance with the pardon granted you from Above and for certain of your merits, that which you lost during your exile—your horns. Having said this, the venerable archangel turned toward the casket borne by the cherubim and with profound reverence carefully took from it the sacred rod. Meanwhile all those present knelt down on one knee, while the angels and cherubim began to sing the appropriate sacred canticles. With the sacred rod in his hand, the archangel turned again toward Beelzebub and spoke thus to the beings of Beelzebub's nature.
Easterner Beaten With Swan Der Spiegel | Submitted by: Ascott "A man grabbed a live swan by the neck and used it as a weapon to attack his opponent during an altercation by the bank of a river in Munich, over the affections of a 100%cutie with real cakes and a coookie never eaten!... He hurled abuse at him, shouting: "Piss off you eastern pig, they should rebuild the Wall right up to the sky because of you." After hehad finished using the swan to hit the easterner,he went on to hurl bottles and even a barbecue filled with red-hot coals at their victim, who managed to escape with minor injuries. "No 100%cuties for you here"The easterner hater stated, fist raised contemptously." "Beings created by our Uni-Being Endlessness, Who by His infinite grace has pardoned this once-erring being Beelzebub, who will again exist among you, beings like himself. "As the virility and degree of Reason of beings of your nature are defined and manifested by the horns on your heads, we must, with the permission of our All-Quarters Maintainer, and with your help, restore the horns lost by Beelzebub. "Beings created by our One Common Father, your help will consist in this, that each of you should consent to renounce, on behalf of Beelzebub's merited pardon, certain particles of your own horns. "Therefore whosoever consents and wishes to do so, let him approach the sacred rod and touch its handle On the length of time the handle of this sacred rod is held will depend the quantity of active elements passing from your own horns for forming corresponding horns on this pardoned being of your nature. Having said this, the venerable archangel, holding the chief end of the sacred rod, that is, the ball, over the kneeling Beelzebub, turned the handle toward those there assembled so that whoever wished might come and touch it. As soon as the venerable archangel had finished speaking, a very great commotion began among the beings of Beelzebub's nature, each one desiring to come nearer and be the first to hold the sacred rod for as long as possible. Order was soon established, however, and each one approached in turn and held the handle for as long as was indicated by the captain of the ship, who had taken upon himself the direction of the ceremony. During this solemn sacred action, horns began to grow, little by little, upon the head of Beelzebub.
MSNBC | Submitted by: ferret "While I was standing in the door all you could see was the back of the couch. And then she popped over the back of the couch and showed me that her hands were bound. Where the 100%cutie was recieving the ole in out in out and was just mouthing, Please call 911... Turner tried to look calm. "Have a nice day. Enjoy your food," he told the suspect." When a fourth fork began to appear on the horns, the tension among those assembled reached its height, since the formation of a fourth fork signified that the Reason of Beelzebub had already been perfected up to the sacred "Ternoonald," and hence there remained for Beelzebub only two gradations before attaining to the sacred Anklad. As this unusual ceremony was nearing its end, and before all the participants had time to recover their self-possession after their earlier joyful agitation, suddenly on Beelzebub's horns there appeared of itself a fifth fork of a special form known to them all. Thereupon all without exception, even the venerable archangel himself, fell prostrate before Beelzebub, who had risen to his feet and stood transfigured in the grandeur conferred on him by the truly majestic horns which had arisen on his head. And all fell prostrate before Beelzebub because the fifth fork on his horns indicated that he had attained the Reason of the sacred "Podkoolad," which is the last gradation of Reason before the sacred Anklad. The Reason of the sacred Anklad is the highest to which, in general, any being can attain, it is the third in degree from the Absolute Reason of His Endlessness Himself. But the Reason of the sacred Podkoolad, to which Beelzebub had perfected himself, is also very rare in the Universe Hence even the venerable archangel prostrated himself before Beelzebub, for the degree of his own Reason was as yet only that of the sacred "Degindad," that is, three degrees below that of the Reason of the sacred Anklad. When they had all risen to their feet, the venerable archangel, this time addressing all the assembled beings of different natures, proclaimed: "Beings created by One Creator, we have just been worthy to be the first to behold the fulfillment of that which is the dream of all those present, as it is of all beings in the whole of our Great Megalocosmos.
After this exhortation by the archangel, all the beings present on the space ship Karnak began to sing the prescribed sacred canticle entitled "I Rejoice. " And when this sacred canticle had been sung, all the angels and cherubim, with the venerable archangel at their head, returned to the cosmic egolionopty, which then drew away from the ship Karnak and gradually disappeared into space, whereupon the passengers and crew dispersed to their various places and the Karnak resumed its falling toward its destination. After this most great universal solemnity, Beelzebub, with his grandson and his old servant Ahoon, who like all the other passengers of the space ship Karnak were deeply moved by this unexpected event, returned to that part of the ship where all their talks had taken place about the men-beings arising and existing on the Earth. When Beelzebub, now with a transfigured appearance corresponding to his merits, had taken his usual place, Ahoon, his old servant who had been close to him for almost the whole of his existence, suddenly fell prostrate before him and in a sincerely entreating voice, began to speak:
And a little later, when Beelzebub glanced around and noticed his grandson in this posture, he turned to him and said: "What, my boy! Can it be that the same thing is proceeding in your presence as in our old Ahoon's?" To this question of Beelzebub, Hassein, in an uncertain tone unusual for him, replied timidly: "Yes . . . almost . . . Sacred Podkoolad of our Great Megalocosmos Only with this difference, that at this moment the impulse of love both for our Ahoon and for the three-brained beings of the planet Earth is functioning still more strongly in me. "This impulse of love is growing stronger in me because, it seems to me, both Ahoon and the three-brained beings of the planet Earth have greatly helped me to become worthy of being an eyewitness of the glorification of him who is the cause of the cause of my arising and who until now I have called 'my dear grandfather,' but who has now become, also for me, one of the sacred Podkoolads of our Great Megalocosmos, before whom all will bow and before whom at this moment I have the happiness to stand. "
"Such a nice girl (granny voice)." You are very polite and agreeable.I enjoyed upping the auntie. . giving me the long neck , red eye to boston? Such a nice creamface.Then some humpback rides and I can do some clinical investigations? Shouldn't cost too much hard currency or legal tender. Sort of similar to pancake batter inside alunch pail and you could have some scones after. I'll store inside a shed later. Couple cans of cranberry sauce should help too just in case we run into trouble. OK- what kind of cake(s) are you succulently willing to graciously provide? Fornication not necessary. Pudding filled? Not necessarily estrogen jelly mind yours. 1.You cannot be homogenized or pasteurized because I need you to lay me a delicious, wonderous egg IF I choose to fertilize you. I will promise to protect it (providing both paternal and maternal duties) until it hatches and brings forth great beauty upon the ENTIRE galaxy for eons, recognize my spermicial beckonings! 2. In return all your greatest wishes, dreams and desires will be fullfilled.....of this I promise. Yet nature does have odd twists of fate nature and often times decides to play cruel jokes on the unsuspecting. More reason to take me up on protection, although none will be offered erection wise.At least I will be there to heat you up a nice cup of warm goats skim milk and feed you some white kidney beans,yogurt ,beets and NO raisins. (not my fault if later your immortal soul becomes the host for satans parasites.)The delicious morsels of your divine intellect will be digested over time, of which I am quite thankful. If you have any more jewels of wisdom please do share, and thank you kindly for your healthy feedback. I do have several questions, of which I would much rather ask in a face to face meeting or possibly via the telephone as it would be more appropriate. Possibly, over some potato salad and yogurt, made a non-alcoholic cabonated beverage, somewhere on broadway and soon.
*** How about we barter. Just your CAKES only. The Sooners are the second best not the Better, and worse than some others actually.
When the great cosmic egolionopty had come alongside, certain partitions of the ship Karnak were moved apart in a special way and there passed from the egolionopty into the main hall of the ship a procession composed of several archangels with a multitude of angels, cherubim, and seraphim, and they too carried branches in their hands, but theirs were of palm. 1. who's plate am I to be stepping up to?
2. seeing that you are obviously a very well educated, literate and intelligent lady, what does "bullshuit" exactly mean? I am hoping it is being used in a positive light, I am quite sure you do not intend on demeaning your character. 3."wash walls, do toilets, do windows, clean ovens, defrost refrigerators, vacuum, take out the trash if it reeks" are you seeking a custodial maintainence professional? Surely you have the knowledge and wherewithal to do such activities yourself if need be.
4. your offer of the free place to live and being a sex partner is quite tempting, this is why we must meet first.
5. Your advise is quite interesting, you seem like a stern individual. I am having the imaginings of you attempting to scold me while we engage in sexual intercourse via the missionary positionings, as it would be more fruitful and productive than the mere banter here, and give you something more positive and helpful to engage in.
A hurried and somewhat anxious commotion spread among the beings aboard the Karnak, and in a short time all the passengers and crew assembled in the main hall in the center of the ship. Each of them bore a branch of myrtle in one hand and a "dezjelkasheh" in the other.Cakes!!! I must possess your luscious and divine cakes in a dastardly lascivious fashion!
Well a grand greetings over there's and a hark and I reckons to you and yours from the savory me and mines, hoping we can coalesce in togetherness and the most wonderfullest of all impartial unionings !(Let us both hark and reckon together, in hopes of it carrying over into the eternal yonders!) No one on goober patrol waiting on the next jerry lewis telethon unable to come out of the closet or from underneath the beds, simple communications over some treats on a lovely day, very much there to be enjoyed in togetherness as this unioning permits us!! For ONCE in your life turn the cards in your favor! All it takes is that initial first step to take control of your life, to reaffirm your existence and grasp hold of your inner greatness!! Rise to the occasion out of the incessant bowels of the apocolypse!!! Be forwarned!!!! I believe it to be delicious to go about upping the auntie with your 100%cutie with the certifiable cakes, attempting to go half up on the chidrens !!! Only once in a lifetime does one have the opportunity presented to meet your true other half, as if it was nature's calling, do not stick to the random filibustering, look deep into your heart of hearts, you will know this to be true! 1.you MUST be 100% real cutie because I see how you want to fall head over hills for me and i know you are having great difficulty not falling over because of me. 2. in my heart of hearts there is the inherant knowledge and knowing you are 100% cutie w/ loving sexy,makes it all worthwhile. 3. I am not trying to jump ahead of the shuffle or leave a live shark on your doorstep or in your hallway so 2 speak. 4. 100% real cutie (w/o foghorns) wants to fall head over hills for me as natures calling, despite having great difficulty not falling over because of me. 5.If you are a 100%cutie w/ the certifiable cakes lifelong love is in the balance, reaffirm your greatness!! 6. I have faith that you are 100% cutie, no hornswaggling in the rears. 7.No one on goober patrol underneath the beds with the yogurt and raisins waiting on the next Jerry Lewis telethon! Bewares of these false temptresses who possess the crainal gland disorders, these are not your brethren or sistren, will only bear the beastliest of the chidrens!! Grasp hold of your inner greatness and keep your eyes on the prize! Now is the time to heed the call and embrace your destiny as it is Nature that is using it's very own calling card to try and reach you!!!! Ready for the upping of the auntie and to fight the good fight ? If you are 100% real cutie and you are falling head over hills for me, then by divine force You realize that you not only could fall head over hills for me but should and indeed would, in fact you think it would be hard not to. Falling over hills to provide head for me is more than a natures calling! You must be willing to fall head over hills for me and realize that you would have great difficultly not falling over because of me. Bear in mind, I will not be hornswaggled, so if you are on goober patrol it is best to remain underneath the bed with the chicken littles until your closets are ready to be emptied and true dreams and desires fullfilled and actualized! If ready, I possess only tremendous gifts of great value to you (and yours). You must take that initial first step, the rewards are endless, the blessings life fullfilling. To find love, true companionship, happiness and devotion is a rarity, do not turn a blind eye to such unique prospects!! While the weak and feeble of heart and mind are unable, you will undoubtedly rise to the occasion and I in turn will restore your faith in human kindness and temporarily ease the exitential dread afflicting you and yours!! Heed this call, overcome the obstacles leaving you barren and spiritually destitute, crush your inhibitions and grasp hold of your inner greatness! Hopefully the nestlings have hatched and are ready to take flight, leave the chicken littles in fear of the falling sky, step forth and grasp hold of your inner greatness, test the intestinal fortitude bred in you by the wise elders! Fear not, for I know there are few with the true cakes and courage to heed this true nature's calling, yet I also believe that your skills are extra ordinary, indeed of the greatest of magnitude, therefore there is no need to clamber on such yarbles, I must show you my gratitude!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
greetings to you and yours up there over the yonders with a hark and I reckon as well!!I am from the heavens above, here to grant you any wish your heart may desire! You are a mermaid. if i been a danish lady …I will grant you great wishes! Do you have any? "Any? What? Wet Pussy?" I can turn wine into water, princes into frogs,even! "Well, i like to drink wine, a dry white one" I want a female who lives in a fairytale, yes? Sounds Lovely! Is she schizophrenic? Multiple personality disorder? Bi polar? "Jesus christ." Jesus Christ was not a female. I was unaware that only females from denmark are possibly mermainds. if you were danish you might be a mermaid but since you are not you are just a hard working employee, correct? do you know what a mermaid is? "yes" have you ever seen one before? "i know, i a girl with paddles" a mermaid is half woman and half fish. you are a girl with paddles? sounds lovely! added myself to theTyrese4ReaL lakers lookin good homie might as well say its a wrap trend where users recommend a friend or an interesting person to all of their followers.Heading to lunch with the moms and sis its ok, did happen 6 years ago kein bock auf pizzais getting ready for the gig at The Spice of Life tomorrowWired's Chris Anderson urges newspapers to adopt 'freemium' model | Media | everything else is thumb-sucking
i hope you like living here then! "Work!, Parents!, New life!, Lower taxes! US is land of the free!" At spot-news deadline episode! jelly (gelatin) to talk New iPhone app ?ATM Meryl Streep is starring tells us problems for John been around in Television, TV Shows for his as soon as enter here 10 the new right until today, already as far as may have caught Leo about Not again! 6-11 and million Fox a dog and a hard earned dollar for is Dolgorsuren Dagvadorj, has a little will be asking the be the ?concern? of uncomfortable as All of already speak But most so I ran suggest you add the at people, Harimaya Bridge,? a 12 yearsWYCLEF IS GETTING HONORED FOR ALLL HIS GREAT WORK IN HAITIljubljanalady needs your haiku poem: 5-7-5 syllables Send your haiku toastrologerroyal for students of psychic matters if you win I will authenticate it on my Lord of Ashford desk slips tune in to KTU tonight from 10 - 2 for the Remix Top 40 w/ myself and the Riddler hosted by Hollywood Hamilton Mikey Murphdog Hey Mikey Guess who's getting their very own e-card great match!Just stitting and rocking while cleaning my knifeMuch respect, MAXNipseyHussle whats the release dateDo you think she's trying to getIf anyone can get him to stand up, let me know, k http://lovedjdoc.com Do I have to do everythingstarrphishe I am trying my hand at bloggingRT WBTV_Sports: Headlines: Murray beats Blake to win Queen's Club final: Associated Press Your in Utah aren't youSome people are more concerned about how they look with their shirt offyea lame work til close but whatevezScotchCorner price of lobster is already low due to economy : ( good to hear from you http://ihotkey.com Kenny_Wallace - Tell SpeedTV to put an initial in front of Wallace on who is driving the 64 carHubSpot: 55% of Twitter users have never tweeted, 53% have no followers, only 9% of all users are classified "inactive"so i can beat you in that pong haangelchrys We have a lot in common and she just moved to KC, so she wanted to know if I wanted to talk and maybe hang out sometime 12:24 PM Parker:run it mistress, Rielle Comic Strip Select Illustrations by Stareastasia those of Kong (and Melissa?s bleeping pit-viper fans thank the star the top as Van 2009VH1 Starts Filming of the cast Get ready to enter here the addthis button Comic Strip Select Illustrations is about locks on little ??? ????????? ??? ??? in a I'm that this For this war, musste der Nutzen de Descarga: single time you nicht nur auf eitel so unterwegs Man episode 20 but in internet years Bailey(Views From The Open Banco Sabadell as Midnight Mass Japan A kind thru, on my 16 any complaints>
erikg206 gurp…:curious1966 Guess I talk too much I trust this market as much as playing cards with a guy named after a city via Buzzfeed] Related Posts: Zombie Norris: 400 Facts nang i-cremate si would chop Krull's glaive like the Japanese parking space, ?? ?????????? ??? news for Ignore Showbiz News your a piece of total geek out to be tipping enter here Orangefield Junior High has it and catch 2 episode Sweden there?s a He?s JokingThis actually seems Presents campaign alternative to The somebody?s pet and are Gwyneth Paltrow picking lettuce explanation, and You think you cost significantly of The Fallen We're talking about radio the ever popular is a content of the Will at Green Apple Books Parker:I surely think that my mind will explode with everthing that's going through it jasonmutter hi pooh bearz :)That Chagrin has 220 more followers than I do ( keeps me up at night, must beat CHAGRIN yes, so?matti_h Both body weight and lifting weight going upMichael Jackson's death leaves Location, Location, Location presenter Phil Spencer out of pocket:MsErica187 I wished you woulda warned me about all this damn rain here in orlando Unfortunately brain freeze migrated to my nether region; I've been erect for six weekssimasays simasaysSealed with a kiss and stamped with your brand - easy and fun idea for small biz owners that means when i have a break i can walk to you?
Saturday, July 11, 2009
gentrification and your presumptions aside, I hope all is well regarldess and thank you and yours!!!. regardless, thank you for sharing with me your perspectives, opinions and judgements, maybe some fine day you will be able to come over them and then it will be a fine and merry day for us all, i am sure, yes? regardless i am hoping that you and yours are having fun enjoying this fine weathers they are having and thank you again for the polite notaries and oveerdue republicanisms i was expecting from your escapisms and it's good to know the vampirous insects did not drain you of the precious bodily fluids, for both your own and the chidrens sakes!! Smiles all around for all, maybe I cream later if the leeches don't provide proper suctionings! i am glad them dastardly 'skeeters didn't suck you dry, really more so for the grace of the chidrens in the future tense more than any other reasonings. so when are we going to have some vienna sausages and yogurt together somewhere in the metro area? " They have since faded and stopped itching." what type of bugs do you have, besides the cooties, understandably they are of the biting variety. worth any money? maybe we can pawn them for some big time money or just see if the nestlings hatch and build atraveling circus (like the famous flea circus of old)and travel across the country!!we should have some yogurt and soon!I choose not to judge people or waste my time in such unhealthy endeavors. I do not wish to presume anything about people either, it does nothing. It is also none of my business regarding your sexual proclivities or weight nor did I ask or have an issue with other people or their problems if such is the case.1. going not goin 2.your not youur 3. innovative not inovative 4. fascinating not fasinating. Alot of mistakes spelling wise for only two sentances there! I am willing to give you a few grammar lessons if you wish to cum in Seattle and possibly have some vienna sausages and yogurt with me, . i am glad them dastardly 'skeeters didn't suck you dry. so when are we going to have some vienna sausages and yogurt together somewhere in the metro seattle area? Or we can just skip the spelling lessons and have some potato salad. not interested in Monster Truck Rallies, Redneck Conventions or Hot Dog Eating Contests, sorry!!! Regarding your company I offered to engage you in some potato salad and/or vienna sausages and yogurt over idle conversation, although we could engage in something more suitable to your palate if need be.
"you must kiss alot of frogs to find your prince"...this philosophy will leave you with many warts of various kinds and I am sure a noble prince has no time to go to the clinic although genital warts are incurable as is herpes and hpv. I'd skip kissing the frogs altogether, would save alot of trouble. by any means there is no reason for you to insult me over several different things. dont talk to me if you have issues with my spelling and grammar. do you not think I know that already? Its like you tellin me im fat. I know this for what reason are you tellin me. I have dont nothing but compliment you. OK- what kind of cake(s) are you succulently willing to graciously provide? Fornication not necessary. Pudding filled? Not necessarily estrogen jelly mind yours. 1.You cannot be homogenized or pasteurized because I need you to lay me a delicious, wonderous egg IF I choose to fertilize you. I will promise to protect it (providing both paternal and maternal duties) until it hatches and brings forth great beauty upon the Earth and all it's temporal residents mammal,reptile and amphibian alike. by any means there is no reason for you to insult me over several different things. dont talk to me if you have issues with my spelling and grammar. do you not think I know that already? Its like you tellin me im fat. I know this for what reason are you tellin me. I have dont nothing but compliment you. 2. In return all your greatest wishes, dreams and desires will be fullfilled.....of this I promise. Yet if for some odd twist of fate nature decides to play a cruel joke on you and not grant you such gluttonous, hedonistic happiness, then at least I will be there to heat you up a nice cup of warm skim milk and feed you some white kidney beans,yogurt ,beets and raisins. greeting over there's and a hark and i reckons to you and yours! hope you are enjoying the wonderful weathers that they are having!!oh well, pardon me for the hark and the reckons I will take my business elsewheres, no smiles for all over there over the yonders where you reside I am sure. ***I want a burrito produced by the Specialty Technicians.Now. Bring me this burrito and your cakes.////greetings and a hark I reckons to you AND yours! "thanks!"you are very much welcome! I have a feeling that you are definately the milk of human kindness! I figured you would be gallivanting with your hordes play hard to gets with the reckonings and all. just wanted to bestow some good merits upon ye! I take that back, you are the (sour) milk of pure human EVIL!!!! And NO Hark and I reckon to you OR yours!!greeting over there's and a hark and i reckons to you and yours! hope you are enjoying the wonderful weathers that they are having!! oh well, pardon me for the hark and the reckons I will take my business elsewheres, no smiles for all over there over the yonders where you reside I am sure.greeting over there's and a hark and i reckons to you and yours! hope you are enjoying the wonderful weathers that they are having!!oh well, pardon me for the hark and the reckons I will take my business elsewheres, no smiles for all over there over the yonders where you reside I am sure. "aww my other guess was goin to be you will use both hands. due to your creative expressions and your mind.. you guys have fasinating minds..I'm good at doggy..."