Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Miss deliciousness herself, the one and only, a very very very very special person!!!XX!!!!

I am patiently waiting to rescue you !!!

i must possess your angelic bodiness!!!


yes all of thems!!!!!

ha.and how do you plan to get them?

while you are preoccupied in slumberland dreaming all the nice dreams I will intercept them and then plunder you with a.................sneak attack!!!

I will rescue them and intercept them from a life of certain unhappiness!! "I'd give you such a pinch" (granny voice).

erikg206 gurp…:
I must rescue your cakes and possess thems for all the eternities combined!!!

you are a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very special person!!!

with the most succulent of all cakes known in the entire universe!!!

i must romance and serenade you then we will get married and you will be my mermaid genie princess and I will keep you in my genie bottle for ever with me as we sail all the oceans surviving off our love and your cakes alone!!!

lol sounds great

i will bring along some sour kraut, corned beef and cabbage just in case we run into trouble.

I have a magical flying moose you can ride over here so we can begin the festivities.

it is fate love, I have arrived here to enter your life and to bring the greatest of all happiness, of which you are deserving!!!!

can i wisper sweet nothings in your ears?

(softly) ..............sweet nothings.......sweet nothings.......sweet nothings...........

i would swim the seven seas on the back of nessie (the lock ness monster) if need be to bring our love to fruition!!!

I know what nessie is.lol

will you please give me a clue regarding how I am to inch my way into your heart and then possess the cakes?

just be sweet

^that is too difficult, any other clues over theres miss deliciousness?

ha....Umm hold me when Im cold without me having to ask

^you are so romantic
I must rescue you!

we can go to walmart and I will buy you some waffles!! you can eat them right out of the box!!!
^in the parking lot and I will drool and watch, wanting one but too shy to ask!!

But i dont like waffles....lol

then I will buy you a can on vienna sausages you can dip them in some yogurt!!!

I am already aware that you are ecsaping me,,,,soon I will be forgotten and my chance at true unrequited love will be lost, this is a shame I blame on you entirely!!!
your love will escape me and i will be lost forever!!!
fate has decided to play a cruel joke on me!!!
i must possess the sweet , nutricious and fortifying life giving nectar of your cakes and their lovings!!!!
^forever in my genie bottle with me.
they say it is better to love and to have lost than to have never loved at all. I will let you win if you give me the cakes.

you are delicious, there is hope for love yet, that is truly delicious, you are such a divine and succulent morsel, a true angel, a magnificent sugar bird flying about at the gates of heaven!

you are the absoulte milk of all human kindness and represent all that is equitable and that is just in the world, your cakes alone are worthy of the highest of praise by all peoples across the oceans and near!!

so lets get down to the brass tax and do some bartering, how much for the cakes for all the eternities combined?

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