Monday, June 7, 2010

The hougun says -You spoke with me? Nay sayers! I saw yours? No!" Yet I know that you exist and so there is a supernatural connection between us, the rambunctioning king of the luvies , the nigerian witchings and the hoodwinkers hornswagglers over on top and un derneath the beds on the yonders waiting on the fervent telethons? So is This relationship between God and all mankind and ends, the luscious bottoms , the attacks? necessarily, with a review of life or death for each of his creatures? So it is with God, I never saw or spoke with God, a witchdoctoring preisthoodwinker? but I'm sure he exists, in fact, are in relationship with God! enriched a personality, to Who made the universe, with a precise objective? Rambunctionings for all!!!!!

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