Wednesday, April 7, 2010

you said you had a bad nights sleep and I said you were lucky
your memory is terrible
lol kinda

yeah, what does the tooth fairy have to do about anything though
you're lucky he didnt come through the open window and take your teeth
there is always something to be thankful for

i hopes you dodnt have to share a room with your brother though
oh lol ok
my sister
why dont you build yourself a yact instead
and while youre at it build me one too
lol nope
yeppp one for each of us
i'll give you one week to finish it off

*** HUGGING! ***
dont make me get the whips cracking
nope what
enlighten me regarding your cruelties and misbehaviors
What do you eman?
i dont eman
what is that

you are frightening
i am skeptical regarding the fruitfullness of any endevors with you
I am so lost lool
How am I frightening
so i must turn you loose and set you free, fly my sugarbird into the heavens, dont be frightend!!!!

i dont believe we were meant for each other

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