Monday, February 28, 2011

Actually, when he came to swallow it, the stuff was distinctly disappointing. The truth was that after years of gin drinking he could barely taste it.

"Yes, there is such a person, and he is alive. Where, I do not know."

- give ones life. "We fight in the dark. We will always be in the dark. We receive orders and we obey them, without knowing why. Later I will send you a book from which you will learn the true strategy by which we shall destroy the society we live in. Full members of the Brotherhood have read the book. But between the general aims that we are fighting for, and the immediate tasks of the moment, one never knows anything.One is not able to betray more than a handful of unimportant people. Wine was a thing he had read and dreamed about.
- commit murder"And the conspiracy - the organization? Is it real? It is not simply an invention of the Thought Police?"At most, when it is absolutely necessary that someone should be silenced, we are occasionally able to smuggle a razor blade into a prisoner's cell. blackberry jam and an immediate intoxicating effect.
- commit acts of sabotage which may cause the death of hundreds of innocent people
- betray one's country to foreign powers.We're sometimes obliged to give a person a new identity. His face, his movements, the shape of his hands, the colour of his hair - even his voice would be different. Our surgeons can alter people beyond recognition. Sometimes it is necessary. Sometimes we even amputate a limb.
- cheat, forge, and blackmail. One takes part in it as handfuls of dust and splinters of bone. It could take a thousand years."this is what we have got to do, unflinchingly..."
- corrupt the minds of children. When he spoke of murder, suicide, venereal disease, amputated limbs, and altered faces, it was with a faint air of persiflage.
- distribute habit-forming drugs
- encourage prostitution
- disseminate venereal diseases.Nothing holds it together except an idea which is indestructible. Perceptible change doesn't happen within one lifetime.
- do anything which is likely to cause demoralization. "This is unavoidable,"

We extend the area little by little generation after generation.

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