flabberghastly cosmic dusted halfling or double fisted true blue ham and egger? Hark, As if! King of all luvy's! underscorings in lustfully sinning hoes then fenga popping it and adding them to the pokey dex!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Do mot threaten me with your insipidness. Bad manners in jest are of poor taste. I would like to make you an offer that you cannot refuse!!!!!!!!XX!!XX!!!XX!!!!!!XX!! …………………………………………………………………… For ONE trademarked copyright infringement I will treat you like a precious little mermaid princess and take you with me in my genie bottle across the 7 seas with a gang of nigerian witches!!!! RAWR™: WHAT!
wow you are quite venomous
best to keep ones distance from the touchy uppity ones run for the hills when they are on the yonders, how icky.
erikg206: eat me first
[12:05pm] erikg206: thank you miss deliciousness
Dyou have any childrens?
can we go half up on one please?
[12:10pm] i promise you will be the apples in my eyes and that you will fall head over hills for me
or you can fall over the hills to provide head for me [ its really fall head over heels but you can do thats too
but we'll really have to be snugglebunnies and loving sugarbirds for you to put your heels over your head for me
and it wouldnt feel good to have apples in my eyes either
you are a delicious schnookie I want your cakes
but I have to tell you that I am a pirate. I will plunder your booty
do you believe in werewolves?
I want to be a werewolf pirate
[12:24pm] erikg206: who plunders lovely booty and has lots of treasures.
you will be my precious little mermaid princess in my genie bottle
we will live together and eat lots of yogurt, raisins and kidney beans together
miss sugarbird of all lusciousness?
one fine day we will be married and your cakes will be mine!!!!!!
cakes ? [12:31pm] erikg206: the bisquits
with frosting on top too
and whipped cream and you can eat the yogurt raisins and kidney beans
hey dummie …………………………………………………………………… heyy?
sorry to hear that you are still on the goober patrols , too bad for you!!! ^maybe you get some artichoke hearts afters for the telethon!!!!!!! …………………………………………………………………… what? …………………………………………………………………… RAWR!!! Are you still trying to hunt down the werewolves in your backyard using the imitation crabmeats? Such a gallivanting trooper!! Best mind your ocks miss!!!! You might have better luck going to england and trying to procure the mushroom truffles using the hogs of royalty to tracks them down. …………………………………………………………………… but since it sounds like you have been going through some serious debreifing sessions maybe you better just stick what you can get. …………………………………………………………………… guess you prefer the bunions over the bisquits, you'll probably end up a boxmuncher. …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… dont get all extra ham fisted on me
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
there she is the missiest of all the lascivious ones in the fleshiest
ok.....? ……………………………………………………………………
it is appropriate to bid you the hark and the reckons ans I know in your hearts you are falling head over hills and wishing for me to be the apples in your eyes
^^^^guess you are still stuck on the goober patrols....hiding in the closets with the dead squirrels in the wet paper sacks, shamelessly standing pat are you?
yep....some things dont change miss "claire"........"claire" time for the deworming adventures!! here have some gummi bears while you waits!!!!
hark to you before the reckonings!!!!!! ……………………………………………………………………
i think you are dreamy ……………………………………………………………………
really? ……………………………………………………………………
yeppppppppppppp the dreamiest
its awlays spectacular to be the apples in someone elses eyes
you are trademarked and copyrighted also I sees. …………………………………………………………………… 2:45 PM sкyღ™: yes i am haha …………………………………………………………………… : then how am i to go about procuring you? ……………………………………………………………………
i dont know haha …………………………………………………………………… 2:48 PM erikg206 gurp…: i am hoping I can manufacture a facsimile of you soon, thats a body double who looks like you . For me and mines and soons too.
erikg206 gurp…: No I want one you send one to me or yourself instead
you are flirting with disaster, playing hookie from being on goober patrol? I bets. ……………………………………………………………………11:59 AMRachel :
what the hell is goober patrol? ol …………………………………………………………………… its a copyright infringement thing, when you are stuck underneath the beds on the hoo-ha waiting on the yogurt and raisins with the neurotic black cats and the re-runs on tv.i am more than curious how you became trademarked as in copyrighted I am sure it is not a god given birthright, if so i am more than a little jealous, you, living highest off the hogs and the hens. And if we dance why must you wear the silly bed sheet over your heads??? ^goober patrol at it's finest? …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… too bad you're just a creep if you were more than that you'd already be hunting the mooses on your own instead of playing 2nd fiddles all the time dooflings. …………………………………………………………………… and by the way it's better to go hushmouth with your gorgonized dorkling type of behaviorings.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
well greeting miss ock!! ……………………………………………………………………1:12 PMMrs,: ? ……………………………………………………………………1:12 PMerikg206 gurp…: find werewolf man at wal marts ……………………………………………………………………1:13 PMMrs,: i have a man thanks …………………………………………………………………… you are welcome for that glad to know you are in possession of fine male due to subterfuge landings? …………………………………………………………………… no need to get uppidty on the heels , the cloven hoof is up over on the yonders. I bet "your man" that you are in possession of cant do in metamorphosizing or other special tricks, have to be skilled in that trade. with a name like miss ock I figure you have to be a special case on that one, lucky you., ………………………………………………………………… PMMrs,: for one its mindock . 1. I like Miss Ock better. 2. I am messaging you by choice stop getting uppity and out of your briefs. 3.before getting the crainial gland disorders flowing stand resolute first and dont speak in forked tongues. Mind your ocks miss.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
i am hoping that you are not underneath the beds eating the yogurt and kidney beans by yourself! …………………………………………………………………… im not …………………………………………………………………… so you have company to help you eat all those raisins and kidney beats while you hide out underneath the beds and wait on the vienna sausages? Or are you just trying to make me jealous?
no.... and i dont like vienna sausages …………………………………………………………………… oh but you do like yogurt, raisins and kidneys beans, you are such a trooper. I thought you could win me millions winning the vienna sausage eating contests over there in Germany. …………………………………………………………………… ^we'd split the winnings 70/30 percent I'd get 70 percent because I'd be the manager and have to keep you on your toes!!! but if you won 1 million you'd get 300,000!!! …………………………………………………………………… uh, no cuz its eating them and i hate em... so i get 80 and you get 20. most managers only get 10 so you should be grateful that id give you more than usual …………………………………………………………………… How am i supposed to live right off a measly 200,000 dollars I have an image to uphold!
well how am i suppose 2 live off 300,000 especailly with 2 kids?
thats plenty if you know how to invest besides they're old enough to fend for themselves …………………………………………………………………… no their not... they are 3 and 4 ……………………………………………………………………7:30 PMerikg206 gurp…: WHAT? I was hunting moose,putting food on the table and making my own clothing to bear the terrible weathers at that age, even skinning the mosses and the elks meselfs if i hads too! when i was that age……………………………………………………………………7:31 PM~*ReaLLy?!*~: thats you these are my kids …………………………………………………………………… i had to keep the wolves from the door !! 4 years old s/he should be bringing home the bacon and frying it up in the pans !!!! winning hot dog eating contests on their own!!!!! …………………………………………………………………… thats gross ……………………………………………………………………7:32 PMerikg206 gurp…: we should go bowling i have some great bowling shoes, i paid 250 for them
there you can provide the lick em upps afters, the slurpee will be on you
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
many joys have fallen in the past 24 hours? I read a little 'calmly long series of observations that have been sent to me, by omscient powers. Please please tell me your two words, but very succinct and clear about your position if you thought about the problem........... crazionismo-evolutionism? philosophically are the opposite of relativism, in fact, with rational metaphysics, personal, humanistic and secular Maritain, I develop a cultural plan for the whole human based on two simple insights and universal opposed to relativism, which states that there can be no God because there is TRUTH (stable and unchanged for herself) even for the same man who can change views several times in his life: But I showed the existence of a universal truth and metaphysics demonstrates the existence of God, in fact, extraordinary in its simplicity, the truth is: "Do not lie! Not tell lies" JUSTICE is: "Do not do evil, do not want to receive!" True? the truth and not lie about facts. True? So I can open the spirituality of God even to those who want to remain atheists even gift them a spirituality and a royalty. and open them Paradise. The system transfer-Masonic-Jewish is an occult, hidden still, and this is what it funded by the French Revolution onwards, all movements hostile to Christianity! Without denying the fact that the Church has done a good job to hurt us. Even theology, becoming a modernist dogma of faith betrayed and destroyed the supernatural aspect of the Church. Causing? Are the Spirit and the Word! We create just our destiny, our free choices. Hell, purgatory and paradise? Here, everything is hierarchical! The university's academic science are battered, not because they follow the scientific process, avoiding any spiritual form, but because they are hired corrupt and ideologically driven, that they betrayed the science and knowledge! They also falls into materialism and relativism, and opening the way for man to despair. I think that our politicians are slaves to us! How ridiculous the moment when we turn to them for the solution of our problems. The point where we are? Totally subdivisions by occult and Masonic? Only God can save us! What follows in the impulse ban evolutionism? Archaeological evidence and the reasoning of American Scientists developments create fewer problems and are more convincing. Theologian, he knows how to justify the Bible from a scientific point, but I do not need it. What you call God the Father for you, it evolves too? No, he is perfect and therefore unchangeable. What does the Christ within the laws of creation? is the Word of the Father, while the Spirit is his breath. So the Word of the Father can come to us.
From certain that the math on the evolution of the planet corresponds to a scam dishonest? Yes! What do you know the "course of a calendar year," a reality call for scientific ambition of millions and millions of years?
In short, exploded a planet in the solar system debris and because these do not destroy the earth, God has extended the tissue space This has created millions of years the universe (according to the theory of relativity), but the whole universe is older than 14,000 years. So the solar system was formed in the asteroid belt that are among us and Mars? What do we know the realities galaxies? That before, that the universe was expanding, it gave ecstatic colors and music that have developed in our ancestors' desire for contemplation and an advanced astronomical system. Holy Father, keep loving, Because I was privileged to meet you, you direct my life, Guard me and protect me along to the whole hand. For your infinite victories, in the name of Jesus Amen! Alleluia!
Your words In short, bodies are also found prehistoric human genes! What a disaster! Cheating! Where is the scam to you? This invalidates the theory of evolution, why do not we have evolved from simpler organisms to more complex ones, all were already defined precisely in the genome. That is, the map of chromosome biology and all living species on this planet. This shows a contemporary creative act.Holy Father, keep loving, because I was privileged to meet you, you direct my life, Guard me and protect me along to the whole hand. For your infinite victories in the name of Jesus Amen, Alleluia!
"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Freemasonry Satanic symbols SpA political seigniorage banking 1fire in soul 2food is harmful diseases 3dishonor shame Divorce 4depression infestation 5cloak obsessions of lead on the Soul Woe to you who now You are in the wrong place and wrong time.Elijah is back and you'll need to get off the river Kishon with him where you will be executed: Drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I imposed to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell! Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice! TALITAKUMI to Resurrect Humanity from your shame! I order every spirit: antichrist pride slavery blindness: GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the Slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? I've put extraordinary weapon in the hands. Now! The Church is holy and it is our Mother! She is a witness in the world, a living man, glorious and risen currently living inside her! Because she is the body of Him who is the Head. So, you can put them all under your feet! But let them go and think to write the exams! Wash the heads of dummies? I think you have more important things to do! Peace! "Courage son, Resist! You will not try to die quickly, how he died, that of which thou hast taken his place, Because it was dissolved in sulfuric acid! Son courage, resist, You will not die as fast as that To which the Holy Spirit of God has said: "Enough!" - answer-> yes! my love for the creator of all and everything is huge as is yours MAY YHWH BLESS YOU AND YOURS. Yes! E ' true what you say my love for the creator of everything and everything is enormous, as is yours. blessings of YHWH, bless you with everything that is yours by lorenzojhwh 01-10-09 I begged the Lord God of Jesus Christ: "Please Lord, you stop doing, the work of my 3 channels? Like the prophet Jonah, you make me to sleep even under a castor plant, to see if you now or holy, you do Honor your word, that word Which thou hast spoken against the rebels? " Remember: you have promised me that the world would be improved. This would still be successful: by fair means or foul. Amen Hallelujah! I believed in you! I begged the Lord God of Jesus Christ: 'Please Lord, you stop doing the work of my 3 channels? Like the prophet Jonah, you make me sleep even under a castor plant, to see if now you or holy, honor your word, that word which thou hast spoken against the rebels. " Remember: you have promised me that the world would be improved. That would be success by fair means or foul. Amen Alleluia! I believed in you! 01-10-09 I am a Catholic Biblical Pentecost, those who see only the religion, but they can not have a personal relationship with God, how can they understand me? And as one who sells goods by promising to have it? Pathetic! You are a child who lives in the shadow of darkness! Because a child of the light is exposed. THE TRUTH DOES NOT NEED TO BE HIDDEN! You do not laugh of a man who suffers for the poor and loves God! Why this is dangerous! I am a leader of BNP? No! But, I do not deny the voice of a friend who asks me: "Help!", Especially if he is Muslim! But, Maybe you're just a fake Muslim: Do not laugh at the poor man who suffers and loves God! Why this is dangerous! I am a leader of BNP? No! But I do not deny the voice of a friend who asks me, especially if you are Muslim! I begged the Lord God of Jesus Christ: Like the prophet Jonah, you make me to sleep even under a castor plant, to see if you now or holy, do you honor your word, that word Which thou hast spoken against the rebels? "Remember: you have promised me that the world would be improved. This would still be successful: by fair means or foul. Amen Hallelujah! I believed in you! I begged the Lord God of Jesus Christ: 'Please Lord, you stop doing the work of my 3 channels? Like the prophet Jonah, you make me sleep even under a castor plant, to see if now you or the Holy , honor your word, that word which thou hast spoken against the rebels. " Remember: you have promised me that the world would be improved. That would be success by fair means or foul. Amen Alleluia! I believed in you! "A pure terror"? Sounds like the words from a religion intent upon spreading fear and finding those easily "terrified" into that religion.Sorry. That is not for me. - Answer-> a criminal? A bad workman? How he can find a good reception? No, I say! is written that "there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!" You lived in selfishness the Freemasons have murdered those people with seigniorage BANKING? You have brought despair to the poor? You already started in a cold sweat in your nightmares? Because the Spirit of God says to your mind what you expect! You can do whatever you can that suits you? You can remove these intuitions and say to yourself, all the lies of the world. But your heart will never be in peace! Never again! Because the heart can never be completely fooled! Proverb says: "Sweet is the blood of others! But soon will turn into poison!" "hanging on the cross, before the feast of Passover "and describes him as a magician.
Specials on IBM System "says the Christians who were accused of the burning of Rome and speaks of Jesus. ) Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia and Pontus, asked the emperor Trajan, how to deal with those who sing hymns to Christ, "as if God and deny the divinity of the emperor." ) Nearly 80 years after the death of Jesus, Christianity was a social phenomenon to the proccupante Roman authorities, despite being born in a remote corner of the Roman Empire and devastated. (5) The historian Tacitus in the Annales, "says the Christians who were accused of the burning of Rome, and speaks of Jesus ) Pliny the Younger Governor of Bithynia and Pontus, asked the emperor Trajan, how to deal with those who sing hymns to Christ, "as if God" and not recognize the divinity of the emperor.
along with God, I have the power to discern the false from the true (just like you) and since this talent was given to me, (instincts - intuition) I tend to see the good (for his safety) and not the evil (for his downfall). -> I, along with God, I have the power to discern the false from the true (just like you) and since this talent was given to me, (instincts - intuition) I tend to see in the good (for its salvation) and not evil (for his downfall).