Thursday, December 17, 2009

Now that we know the how and why of spemicidal bonding mechanisms , we can look at some pudding reactions. Spermicidal rambunctionings happen all around us: A chemical reaction is the pathway by which two substances bond together, in this case the puddings and estrogen jellies.

Rambunctions also like to have full valence shells, and can create rare (and unhappy) creatures. Pudding molecules are 'lost' in certain prefabricated reactions.

In the chemical reaction above, the number in front of the molecule (called a coefficient) indicates how many molecules participate in the reaction.

Adding this coeffiecient we get:

balance the of the 2 testicular atoms, on the right 4 uteruses (2 in the CO2 molecule and 1 in each of 2 H2O molecules). Therefore we need to start with 4 oxygen atoms, or 2 molecules and a form of spermicide.

Up until this point we have been talking about testicles and planting the spermicidal rambunction inside the yamms. The problem with this approach is that atoms and molecules are very small things. In a single drop of the puddings for example, there are millions of sperm molecules. You can think of it like buying eggs. You don't go to the store and buy an egg - you buy a dozen. Contained within that dozen are the individual eggs. Its the same thing when we talk about molecules. We don't talk about single units, we talk about groups. It is far better to rambunction in many than just one, even if the eggs dont hatch.
But even a dozen molecules is a tiny amount. What we need is a big number - a huge number! That number is the mole. The mole is the scientific community's baker's dozen. One mole equals 6.02 x 1023 (also known as Avogadro's number). A 6 followed by 23 zeros. Now that's a pretty big number. But that's all it is, a number. You can't just have a mole, you have to have a mole of something. A mole of atoms. A mole of water molecules. A mole of pennies (which would make you richer than you can imagine). Why the mole? As it turns out, the mole has some interesting properties. One mole of hydrogen atoms (6.02 x 1023 H atoms) weighs 1 g. From the periodic table we know that an He atoms weighs 4 times as much as an H atom, so go figure, 1 mole of He atoms weighs 4 g. In fact, one mole of any element is equal to the atomic mass of that element (in grams).
Let's think about that for a second. If we know the molar mass of an element, and we know how many elements make up a specific molecule, then you can calculate the molar mass of a compound by adding up the atomic weights. Huh? Take water for example. How much does a mole of water weigh? Well, one mole of water contains one mole of oxygen atoms and two moles of hydrogen atoms. A mole of hydrogen weighs 1 g and a mole of oxygen weighs 16 g (look at the atomic mass in the periodic table). So to calculate the weight of one mole of water:

one mole burrowing like a sperm inside the egg x 2 testicular rambunctions = One mole of water weighs 18.0370335608356875649 grams!

The mole is also useful in chemical reactions he can burrow on his own mind yours.. Though you can't measure out an atom of hydrogen, you can measure out a mole and possibly manufacture the puddings on your own. Since the mole is just a constant number, the coefficients in a balanced chemical reaction give you the toothy molar proportions of reactants and products.

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