Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cheer up, gentle citizens, though you have no shirts, Happy days are here again. Cheer up, smile, nertz! All aboard prosperity, giggle 'till it hurts! No more bread-line charity. Cheer up, smile, nertz!
♔♥erikg206kingluvy♥: The world's in the red, We're better off dead, Depression, they say's in session to stay. sewer elections my dear, Our banks disappear, you're done in the rear but netrz is smiling horray!
: mom iji underscore unlucky #13 added to the pokedex!
u added me the other day tho....O_o
i havent downloaded you though to the syntax
ahhhh so now i know
♔♥erikg206kingluvy♥: they saying knowing the halfling is the battle
yeh but ignorance is bliss
♔♥erikg206kingluvy♥: todays information. in 1975 The Wiz, an all-black cast who retold L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The musical opened on January 1975, it ran for over 1600 performances and won seven Tony Awards, including Best if the wicked witch was an african american i wouldnt have been scared of her .
It's been exactly 42 years from possibly the bravest political statement in sports. Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 200m medal-award ceremony of the Mexican Olympics in 1968, raised their clenched fists in a black power salute as a stand against racial discrimination.
whats up
not the groundhog b/c it isnt his day yet

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